The Knowledge Vault
Kiernan Group Holdings developed a Knowledge Vault, designed to be a living repository of state of the practice capabilities across the public and private sector. The center of gravity is organized around a construct of preparedness, response, recovery and resiliency of organizations, large and small. There are a lot of companies that do that-how we do it is the element which sets us apart from this crowded space. We believe that preparedness is a mindset which when enabled and practiced, transcends all areas of life: where we work, where we live, where we serve, where we learn, where we travel and where we seek recreation. Threat vectors and actors change and evolve quickly, thus preparedness along a continuum of the current threat (the now), the near term (the next) and the type of threat which will likely be orthogonally different (the after next) is how we look at the world.
We provide a global network of talent that is globally mobile, language qualified, and cleared to enhance the situational awareness and preparedness of decision makers, enriched by a vast library of resources and supported with analytic and operational acumen.