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  •  1421 Prince Street, 4th Floor, Alexandria, VA. 22314
  •  571-290-0260
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Institutional and Organizational Risk Assessments

Message From CEO:
We are a certified Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) built by practitioners for practitioners with extensive earned experience in the law enforcement, intelligence, risk management and emergency preparedness communities. We are a company filled with “pracademics” practitioners with earned experience supported by academic rigor and driven by a relentless sense of mission, common values, thoughtful partnering, and what we see as a responsibility to make the world a safer place.

KGH believes that security sense is common sense. It is also a common responsibility among and between individuals, organizations, educational institutions, and the communities which embrace and support them. We are at the intersection of fear and fact, a place where we have navigated to after training thousands of individuals across the United States and Her Territories, understanding at a very visceral level the compelling need for an enhanced awareness of behavioral indicators, and the development of a preparedness mindset. We designed the Preparedness Without Paranoia® approach with application from the classroom to the boardroom to replace confusion with clarity, identify risk, and build a platform to drive individual and organizational resiliency and liability decision cycles. We believe that the pathway to preparedness is paved with education, not by single threaded tactical solutions.

The Knowledge Vault

Kiernan Group Holdings developed a Knowledge Vault, designed to be a living repository of state of the practice capabilities across the public and private sector. The center of gravity is organized around a construct of preparedness, response, recovery and resiliency of organizations, large and small. There are a lot of companies that do that-how we do it is the element which sets us apart from this crowded space.  We believe that preparedness is a mindset which when enabled and practiced, transcends all areas of life: where we work, where we live, where we serve, where we learn, where we travel and where we seek recreation. Threat vectors and actors change and evolve quickly, thus preparedness along a continuum of the current threat (the now), the near term (the next) and the type of threat which will likely be orthogonally different (the after next) is how we look at the world.  

We provide a global network of talent that is globally mobile, language qualified, and cleared to enhance the situational awareness and preparedness of decision makers, enriched by a vast library of resources and supported with analytic and operational acumen.

Performance Through Partnerships

Kiernan Group Holdings maintains a range of dynamic partnerships with organizations in the law enforcement, military, intelligence, academic and private sector both domestically and internationally. These partnerships include national level organizations as well as small innovative companies developing new capabilities. We believe in service and actively support our veterans and organizations which raise funds to support much needed medical research. With maximum agility and the combined knowledge of our experienced subject-matter experts and practitioners, KGH has the capacity and the privilege to serve various organizations across a variety of markets.








Crafty Bastards Think Differently

What if we stopped scanning the horizon with binoculars and began instead examining our own decision-making and behavior through the most powerful of microscopes? I think that would change the way wars are fought, the kinds of products we see on the shelves, the kinds of movies that get made, the way police officers are trained, the way couples are counseled, the way job interviews are conducted, and on and on.”

~Malcolm Gladwell, Blink, 2005


Crafty Bastards Workshops

History has educated us about the nature of light and the speed at which it travels. At one juncture, white light was considered the absence of color when in fact it is the combination of all colors, which become visible when refracted. Like the refracted light, each has shades that require a deeper examination to reveal the true spectral composition. Similarly, Crafty Bastards Workshops (CBW) focus on an intensive discovery process to identify and exploit the full spectrum of ideas. Our workshops provide a highly specialized and dedicated environment of learning and discovery, as well as an in-depth exploration and exploitation of the myriad of highly complex problem-sets that threaten global stability and economic resiliency. These critically important issues range across an ever-widening spectrum, from disease to conflict to infrastructure warfare. The modus operandi of CBW is the combining—and, often, recombining—of disparate talent and highly knowledgeable expertise at a visceral level. The goal of each CBW is to identify strategic approach vectors that are realistic, comprehensive, and actionable.

KGH Security


Kiernan Group Holdings maintains a website dedicated to chronicling the role of women in traditionally insular professions - specifically law enforcement,the military, diplomacy, and private industry.